This site was established to display live Covid-19
case data in three dimensions, providing
greator opportunities for exploring correlations
with additional global data sets.
Creator: Adam Donabauer
24 | Programmer & Architect | Sydney, Australia
The World Wealth Map depicts geographical inequality in the
distribution of household wealth across the globe.
Distinct trends emerge when overlaying this data with
globally reported Covid-19 cases. 'Wealth per adult' figures generally
correlate with those pertaining to Covid-19 confirmed, recovered,
and deaths.
Sourced: Global wealth databook 2019CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX
The Corruption Index ranks 180 countries and territories by their
percieved levels of public sector corruption - according to experts
and businesspeople.
In combination with Covid-19 case data, the map demonstrates
clear disparity across the spectrum from '0 Corrupt' to
'100 Clean'. Those with lower corruption values are generally
reporting fewer cases, or less reliable data.
Sourced: www.transparency.orgDEMOCRACY INDEX
The Democracy Index intends to measure the state of democracy in
167 countries, of which 166 are sovereign states and 164 are UN
member states.
The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five
different categories, measuring pluralism, civil liberties and
political culture.
Significantly more Covid-19 cases have been reported in countries
scoring high on the Democratic scale, reflecting greator transparency
in governance.
However, lower reported cases in Authoritarian governments could also
be attributed towards greater enforcement of pandemic control methods.
Sourced: Economist Intelligence UnitAVERAGE SURFACE TEMPERATURE
Assembled by the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer instrument
equip to NASA's Terra satellite, this map reveals average recorded daytime
land surface temperatures.
In combination with Covid-19 case data, the map demonstrates a substantial
reduction in reported cases throughout the warmer regions of the planet.
Sourced: Images by NASA Earth Observations
(NEO) using data courtesy of the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive
Based on a publicly available dataset, this map shows projected changes to
average land surface temperatures by the year 2100. The map was generated
through simulation of increasing carbon dioxide levels, influenced by 21
climate models.
In comparison with the Average Surface Temperature map, the Global Climate
Change Projections may help us understand the influence of climate on the
worlds next major pandemic.
Sourced: NASA Global Climate Change ProjectionsAIR POLLUTION
Air pollution is studied from satellites, recording data collected high above
the Earth's surface. The displayed map records Nitrogen dioxide, a toxic gas
and common air pollutant.
Obvious correlations can be drawn between the 'Air Pollution', 'Population Density',
and 'Night' maps available for viewing. All three of these maps display direct
relationships with available Covid-19 case data, highlighting density as a key
factor in transmission of the virus.
Sourced: Maps of NO2 produced by the Aura’s
Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Science TeamPOPULATION DENSITY
Population density is a measurement of population per unit area, or exceptionally
unit volume; it is a quantity of type number density. In simple terms, population
density refers to the number of people living in an area per square kilometre.
Obvious correlations can be drawn between the 'Air Pollution', 'Population Density',
and 'Night' maps available for viewing. All three of these maps display direct
relationships with available Covid-19 case data, highlighting density as a key
factor in transmission of the virus.
Sourced: Center for International Earth Science
Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University